Anyway It was mr greens birthday 2 days previous so I took him a silly card in case I got to say hi.
I turned up, and instead of following the rest of the crowd I was sent off separately. Got to where I needed to be and its just me and some official scary looking people. So I'm thinking have a come to the wrong place. Anyway a member of staff says "thank god your on time"
Confussed I replied "what do you mean on time for what?"
"professor green is just in that room, he will be out to meet you in a second, would you mind signing this form to say you don't mind having photos taken and published"
I was so freaked, and panicking and I still have no idea why I was the only mum their to meet and greet. All I was told is I was the chosen one? (I think everyone else said no haha)
So over he comes, que sweating shaking and nervous babble. Id painted my nails green you would think this was his fave colour. He coreected me its black. I told him id had his music on, on the way over but had to turn it off as it was making me feel sick about being in the same room as him. I also told him I was more nervous today than I was on my wedding day, and how if it wasn’t for him doing this special openeing id still be in my pjs! We spoke for a while and he even held lottie. I got to give him his card and I soon relaxed in his company.
We was then all sent up to the official opening, crowds can be a little over whelming but I was ok. Lots of people did talks and I learnt so much, I cant believe how simuar depression and anorexia is. The feeling of failer, disappointment and the urge to hurt yourself. Its both the same.
Somehow I was on the front row saying "erm should I even be on the front row", but apparently so. So their I was little old me and lottie mingling. FROW,
With pro green steps away, giving a fab speech. One thing he mentioned is how mental health shouldn't be labelled mental health. Its health. And that is so true. Remove the tag. We are not mental we are unwell.
This then leads to me doing interviews with radio stations and chatting to charitys. Who would like to work with me. The whole thing was crazy. Work with me why? Things was being said like " shes going to be a big help!"
"she's doing so well"
So strange I m still like what are these people being serious, is this a dream can I help people? Who knows where this will lead. But if nothing comes of it, Already I've got a little awareness out their by doing interviews. Even if capital fm edited it so bad! I sounded like such a dick they just put on about how I blogged and made some diner. After all id said all the positive helpful things and they publish that!
So now the world knows, its been on the radio my picture is all over twitter I'm on TV so its time to introduce us. My husband is called shaun my daughter is called lottie and I'm chelsey leigh Farnsworth. I'm laballed as depressed. Behind that I'm a fun out going women. I've been told I light up a room ( to much highlighter?) I can bring life to a party (because I get to pissed and make an absolute idiot of myself?) I’m a survivor!
So my worlds changed. My family are aware my friends. I wonder if moving forward any of my relationships will change. Will I be judged? will I be treated different? Either way I will keep blogging. And slowly my story will make more sense to people.
lottie is so sweet and ur so beautiful!! ����xxx