Sunday, 11 November 2018

Not so sundays chills and spice girl thrills. My weekend blog.

Everything is pissing me off today EVERYTHING! Even Sharon from EastEnders! Sundays are supposed to be a day of rest but my husband seems to think he's bob the builder today. Qu DIY disasters, bleach all over the carpet and me wanting to pull his eyeballs out!. Also I've put a stew in the slow cooker and the meats still raw its 7oclock at night I have that weird breath you get when you need food and a scabby jacket potato for tea.

Anyway since I last blogged, I managed to do a KIT day, if you are unaware what this is its when you go into work during your maternity leave, as a way of breaking you back in. Or just to earn a bit of extra cash because your skint, and maternity pay is crap! I only did like 3 hours and it was good. Dolly wakes up late (fingers up to the people who told me I can kiss goodbye to getting glam in a morning). So I got ready in piece, I actually wore my nice perfume I was that exited. Makes a change to pre Dolly,they was lucky if I sprayed deodorant.
Work used to be such a bore I just couldn't be arsed. But Saturday I had a spring in my step. Even the fact my work clothes are TINY, Non of it fits (I could loose a few inches if I just shaved my legs I suppose.) didn't dull my mood. I had  a little moment when guilt creeped in, I just felt so guilty for not feeling guilty. Shouldn't I be sad? shouldn't I be wanting to spend every waking moment with my child? the truth is no, no I shouldn't so far I have spent every waking moment with her and I love it. But don't us mums deserve to loose the title for a few hours? Maybe if id spent a full day away id have missed her but I didn't. I spent most of the morning thinking about her but not missing. And I got home and Dolly was asleep and reece was chilling. They survived without me wtf!? No shit stained starving baby, no husband in crisis. He had even cleaned the bathroom. (He's sex deprived he must be)
I also had a little hunt for spice girls tickets. And whhhaaaalaa I managed to get 2. Whilst booking them reece had to confess he had already got me them, as a surprise.  But he will not tell me when I'm going who with or where! I'm so glad I found out. It will be so much better now I can re learn all the words and put together a 90s style outfit pass me the platforms!
My last blog I said id let you no my decision if I had a C-section or ECV to turn my breech baby. I decided have the ECV. This Is low risk to mother and child but still wasn't an easy decision. But it beat having a C-section. My next blog I will try and stick to the brief and tell you all about the ECV which I now regret having. My pregnancy was great but went downhill after this. I do support having ECVS it did work for me Dolly did turn, but in the end it made no difference, if she was upside down back to front or under my armpit.
P.S Dolly is almost crawling!!

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